Foreign and Diaspora Direct Investment in Haiti

Panel: Foreign and Diaspora Direct Investment in Haiti


Diaspora Direct Investment (DDI) can be distinguished from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by the notions of social embeddedness and an intensity of community affect inherent in returning migrants. Returning migrants not only have the financial incentives of a typical foreign investor but have the social aspects and knowledge of the local business environment and investment possibilities as well as an ethnic advantage.

The Panelists will discuss the pros and cons of doing in business in Haiti and will offer potential solutions on how to address those challenges. In addition, they will discuss their companies’ corporate social responsibility efforts to promote social, environmental, and economic development in Haiti. In other words, the panelists should discuss how their companies are creating shared value in Haiti.

Moderator: Kesner Pharel – President of Groupe Croissance

Panelists: TBA