Amos Cincir

President of the Youth Government of Haiti

Young president of the Republic of Haiti in the Youth Government since February 2015, Amos CINCIR was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He is a journalist, writer and community organizer. Between studies in diplomacy and international relations at the International Diplomatic Studies Centre (CEDI) and many trips made in a dozen countries worldwide, it has carved a prominent place in international relations in Haiti. He is author of numerous articles. He co-published in 2013 a book on international relations entitled «Repères diplomatiques : Haïti et l’Afrique quelles perspectives ?» Through its section on diplomacy and international relations called « Entre les frontiers» co-hosted with Dominique Domerçant in the columns of Le Nouvelliste.

He has collaborated with institutions such as the Secretariat of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities and journalism training center EXCEL protocol as professor and news writing. He also worked in 2013 at the International Organization Rings Memory Project Francophonie Foundation Françoise Auguste Canez the Sugar Cane Historical Park. He occupied in 2012 the Government Youth, the position of young foreign Minister. Meanwhile, it also lend a hand to several religious organizations, as president, counselor and community organizer. He is also the vice president of the Cercle intelligence diplomatique (CID) and Centre de Recherches Stratégiques en Relations Internationales (CRRIS). He participated in many training seminars in the areas of communication, humanitarian, etc.