Start a Chapter

NAAHP is building its reach nationwide.

Interested in building an NAAHP chapter in your area? See below for more information!

National Alliance for the Advancement of Haitian Professionals Development Process

All potential chapters will have three steps of development:

  1. Create an Interest Group
  2. Form an Interim Chapter
  3. Graduate to a Full Chapter

Getting Started

An individual(s) with the intent to form an interest group should compile a brief proposal detailing the need and interest in creating a chapter in their area.

The proposal should address the following points:

  1. Do you have at least 5 individuals interested in chartering a chapter at this time?
    (a) Please include their name, company, title and email, as applicable.
    (b) Indicate who are the top two leads for the chapter initiative.
  2. What are the geographical merits of building NAAHP presence and membership in your community?
    (a) Population
    (b) Percentage of Haitian Americans
    (c) What diaspora organizations currently exist in the region (i.e. NSHMBA, etc.)
  3. Do you have at least two sponsors (entrepreneurs, corporations, non-profits) that could potentially support a chapter?
    (a) Please note if you are connected to a currently NAAHP national corporate partners.
  4. Are you affiliated with an academic institution that would be willing to support a chapter?
    (a) Indicate if anyone from your planning team has a relationship with the school’s administrative staff (i.e. president, provost, dean, etc.)
  5. Provide a brief overview of your plan, specifically:
    (a) How will the interest group sustain and build membership?
    (b) Funding Strategy
    (c) Program development
  6. Provide a list of current and potential members.

This request should be submitted to: membership@naahpusa.org, along with two contact names, phone numbers and email addresses.

The NAAHP office will review and respond to requests within 30 days to provide direction and the next steps toward becoming an official interest group.