Education Programs

Mentor Match: One-On-One Mentoring


One-on-One Mentoring allows both mentor and mentee to develop a personal relationship with individualized attention focused on the mentee. If you are interested in participating in the NAAHP Mentor program, click here to learn more.

Mentor Match: Group Mentoring


A group of 4-6 meets periodically to discuss various topics, while being a consistent and engaged support system for one another. If you are interested in participating in the NAAHP Mentor program, click here to learn more.

NAAHP Scholarship


The National Alliance for the Advancement of Haitian Professionals’ is committed to providing opportunities to students and young professionals who are seeking undergraduate or advanced college degrees. We have established a two-fold scholarship program to deliver this effort and support students financially; The Haitian American Leadership Award Scholarship, which is open to all students across the United States and the NAAHP Partner University Scholarships program, which caters to students who have completed or intend to submit admissions applications with our partner universities.

NAAHP Annual Conference

Atlanta, GA

The NAAHP Annual Conference is the largest event of the year organized by the National Alliance for the Advancement of Haitian Professionals and is a pivotal moment where Haitian professionals and students in the USA gather to hear empowering speakers, best practices and emerging trends in leadership, professional development, entrepreneurship and within the workforce.