Dr. Paul A. Belony, Jr., Ph.D.

Member, NAAHP Advisory Board

Dr. Belony is a highly gifted experimental physicist with thorough knowledge of non-ideal plasma, high power circuitry, optical spectroscopy, and computational modeling.  He joined the Strayer faculty team in the fall of 2012 to teach Science and Mathematics. Currently, he is a Research Scientist working in collaboration with the Physics Department at Lehigh University; he is also an Associate Editor for the physics book and journal publishing at Versita, and a Collaborator at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s international education outreach program [an educational program led by the Linguistic Department at MIT to train professors in Haiti in the Physics and Mathematics using the TEAL approach (Technology-Enabled Active Learning) and the native linguistic inclusion]. His career path includes being an Assistant Professor of Physics at West Chester University of Pennsylvania and an Adjunct Professor of Physics at the College of Saint Elizabeth. Moreover, he taught Physics at Lehigh University to the (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)-inclined undergraduates (2004-2010).

Dr. Belony’s educational accomplishments started before his High School graduation in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at the “Institution Secondaire Gérard Gourgue” (1998); at that school, he acquired a profound admiration for Physics and Mathematics. He then attended Essex County College, in Newark New Jersey, in 2000 and graduated with an associate degree in Mathematics in 2002. Two years later, in 2004, he graduated with a double bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics at Montclair State University (NJ). In the same year, he started his graduate studies at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem PA, where he graduated with a Master’s degree in Physics in 2006. Then, in January 2011 at Lehigh University, he graduated with a Ph.D. in Physics.

Dr. Belony’s doctoral dissertation, “Kinetics of Vapor Emissions near Wire Explosion Threshold,” explores the effects of the metallic gas-liquid critical state and the role of magnetic and thermal pressures in plasma generated from various types of electrical wire explosions, including X-pinch and Z-pinch. His current research focuses on the development of experimental procedures and quantitative data analysis and their applications to plasma processes, material properties near the percolation threshold, and Thin Film Studies. His areas of expertise include: Non-ideal Plasma Formation, Electrical Wire Explosion, Laser-Produced-Plasma, Shockwave patterns, Nano-Cluster Formation, X-ray generation, Optical Spectroscopy near Gas-Liquid Critical States, Q-Switch Laser, Ion Laser, Solid-State Laser, Image Processing, High-Power-Pulse-Forming Devices, and Electronic Circuit Design.

Dr. Belony teaches both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He teaches Physics, Mathematics, and Management Science. He trains students on Linear and Nonlinear Programming, and on the techniques of Project Management, Transshipment, and Network Flow Models. Moreover, he prepares lectures on Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Theory of Matter, Statistics, Queuing, and Decision Analysis.

Dr. Belony is currently exploring field of Renewable Energy, specializing in Wind and Oceanic Wave Energy. As an experimentalist and innovator, his scientific insights and tool construction abilities urge him to test the waters in that field. He is currently penning a book on this subject matter.