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Jean Armand Mondelis

Deputy Director, Bank of the Republic of Haiti

Jean Armand Mondélis, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), has obtained in 1998 an Agricultural engineering degree from the School of Agronomy and Veterinary Medecine, State University of Haiti . He joined the Central Bank of Haiti in september 1998. From 2000 to 2002, he attended W. E. Simon School of Business and Administration, University of Rochester, NY, where he got a MBA with a focus on Finance, Organisational Strategy, and Business environment and Public Policy.

In January 2003, Mr. Mondélis joined the Banking Supervision department at the Central Bank of Haiti as a Financial Analyst and Offsite bank examiner. He is currently one of the deputy directors of the said department. He has been accumalating a great deal of experience in banking supervision and has contributed to put in place certain rules and regulations governing the functionning of the Haitian banking system. Mr Mondélis has also made important contribution to the Central Bank of Haiti in elaborating some policies aiming at stimulating the access to credit to value added sectors of the Haitian economy.