The NAAHP Haitian American Leadership Award Scholarship application is open through May 31  Apply Now

Ketley Joachim

Community Advocate for Change

Was raised by parents who valued love for self and others, education, giving back and honestly. Born and raised in Cap-Haitian, Haiti – Ketley, the 58 year old proud mother identified early in life how important it is to give and help others. The examples was set early in life as she saw her mother and father work hard to provide a balanced life for their family, while doing all they could to support their neighbors in achieving the same balance. Community service, loving thy neighbor and neighborhood has been and continues to be an integral part of Ketley Joachim.

Ketley arrived in the United States in 1975. Full of curiosity, passion and vigor, Ketley wanted to fulfill her idea of the American dream. As a single mother, Ketley realized reaching any dream meant having the perfect balance in the home and support from the community. Relocating from Miami to North Miami Beach in 1995, after saving enough money to purchase her home in the Community of Uleta, she was determined to provide the best life possible for her family and her community.

The once quiet neighborhood of Uleta was going through significant challenge and increased crime, loitering, and high school drop out rates signaled that something needed to change. Ketley, not being one to sit idly by and watch her community decline took action by organizing members of her community to create the change they all wanted to see. The improvement in the quality of life Ketley and her neighbors wanted started small and turned into a campaign that is still underway today to decrease crime and improve neighborhood services, education and civil services for those who need it most.

Ketley has worked tirelessly in the community, the county and state to drive change and support for the City of North Miami Bach. She has partnered with then Governor Lawton Chiles and State Senator / US Congressman Kendrick Meek on topics of Education and Crime. Developing relationships with city officials, clergy and civil organizations, Ketley has been an advocate for change – not doing it for recognition, but doing it because it is the right thing to do.