The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

Max Trezil

Max B Trezil immigrated to the United States from Haiti in 2006 to escape political unrest and economic disparity for better living conditions and to have an opportunity to pursue higher education.

I have over 20 years of mainly in education and public services. I spent ten years working in the New York City department of education. I started as a para-educator and later became a Teaching collaborative fellow for the NYC Department of Education. Later, I left the NYC Department of Education and went to work for the US commerce department/ Census Bureau as a Partnership Specialist for the northeastern region. In the United States Census Bureau, I was mainly responsible for conducting outreach for the 2020 census decennial. Planning, developing, and coordinating the partnership agreements to ensure activities at all levels are carried out, resolving problems encountered, and determining the need for renegotiation. Implementing and coordinating complex partnership programs impacting the 2020census operation and establishing partnership agreements with federal, state, and local governments, local businesses, and community groups to develop strategies to eliminate enumeration barriers in eastern regions. Now, I am a Senior Taxpayer Advisory specialist for the US Treasury Department/Internal Revenue Service /IRS, where I lead a team of Individual taxpayer advisory specialists in the Federal government.

I am former elected Vice president by the New York charter of Junior Chamber International JCI (In the global network of young active citizens), where I oversaw programs and provided guidance for individual development. Ensure opportunities for training, skill-building, and support to our local members—also provide development opportunities that can empower young people to create positive change. I am the founding member of Global Alternative Market/ GAMA LLC. A global network professional to promote alternative ways of doing business, empowering business owners with the Knowledge of E-commerce and digital marketing. Enabling information on economic opportunity to help build strategies for a sustainable solution for small business owners worldwide. I have been with the NAAHP since its conception, and we have created many Histories together, helping the Haitian diaspora access information and resources that foster self-development and success individually and collectively.

Academically, before immigrating to America, I studied economic sciences, Social Communication or mass communication at the State University of Haiti (Université d’état d’Haïti -UEH, Faculte des Sciences Humaine- FASCH); I earned a Public Relations and Communications diploma. I am a former member of many scholastic associations in Haiti and academic institutions in the United States. I earned a bachelor’s degree in science of business from CUNY. Also, a master’s degree in public administration from the City University of New York -CUNY / John Jay College of Criminal Justice. I am a Ph.D. candidate at Helms school of government/ liberty university. I went to study public administration because, throughout my life, I was inspired by the ideals of the citizenry and public service, economic policies that seek to improve living conditions, promote respect for social justice, and help to achieve an equitable and sustainable balance between people and resources. My research is mainly focused on new ways to make government more effective and efficient and to understand economic policies that can change people’s quality of life and advance the common good to affect positive change—specializing in international public administration, using different models of development and administration in a way to find the best formula to make governments closer to people in term of delivery program and services.

I have many interests in life and an incredible passion for living life to its fullest. I believe God gives meaning and purpose to human life, and economic opportunity can best be reached through education. I want to think that I am an educator and a civil servant. I also believe that I am a dream chaser and trying to enjoy my brief time on earth as humanly possible while serving and contributing to my community and living a legacy for future generations.
Welcome to the 2022 NAAHP conference