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Philippe Saint-Cyr

Director Haiti Start Up Talent, Fondation CASELI

Philippe Saint-Cyr is the Director of Haiti Start Up Talent, an incubation program for Start Ups with an angle on Social Impact and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Incubation Program lasts 6 months and teaches entrepreneurs on how to write a Business Plan, how to Pitch in front of Investors, make financial projections and on financial literacy. He is a Haitian Diaspora who returned in Haiti after 23 years in the US, and has been living in Haiti since 2011.

Haiti Start Up Talent is part of Fondation CASELI, a  Haitian entity which is the merger of the local offices of Root Capital and Yunus Social Business Haiti (24 companies financed, $5mm invested) between both of them. Fondation CASELI trains farmers and cooperatives throughout Haiti on entrepreneurship, formalization, how to export and linking them with clients in the US, Europe and Asia. In addition, Fondation CASELI planted over 200,000 trees with several cooperatives in 2017 – 2018.

Prior to that Philippe was Chief of Party/ Country Director of Yunus Social Business Haiti where he incubated and financed Social Businesses (12 businesses\, $2.5mm). Previously Philippe was the Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti (Amcham Haiti) where he assisted local and international investors, interacted with the Haitian and US government on policies, attracted new Members to the Chamber, and organized events/ conferences on intellectual property rights, rule of law, trade facilitation and arbitration.

Philippe also worked in healthcare technology in Tampa FL (EMR & E-prescribing implementation/ HMO data analysis, transition to an online platform for ordering of medical supplies), provided business and financial consulting to start-ups and SMEs in Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora in Florida. Over the years, he has acquired more than 12 years of experience in the financial sector (Convertible Debt Fund, Trading Desk, IT/Data Analysis for Sales/Trading and Research Department, Mutual Fund Back Office). In addition, Philippe worked in financial journalism on Capital Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean.

He holds an MBA from Fordham University with advanced studies in International Policy & Economic Development and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from St. John’s University.