Rebecca Obounou
Assistant Dean, Social Innovation MIT Public Service Center
Rebecca is a Haitian-American born to Haitian immigrants who also had the privilege of living in Lakoup Lenbe in Northern Haiti as an adolescent. As Assistant Dean of Social Innovation, Rebecca manages a 20+-year-old student social innovation experiential learning program housed in MIT’s Public Service Center. Previously, she worked at Babson College’s Kerry Healey Murphy Center for Global Healthcare Entrepreneurship and at MIT Sloan Executive Education. Rebecca is well-versed in managing complex multi-stakeholder initiatives. Her experiences include teaching, academic research, development, and fundraising. She also has over ten years of social innovation experience running the for-purpose organization CHES Inc., which she founded in 2008 and mentored and funded entrepreneurs (particularly women) in rural Haiti. CHES has now been acquired by another Haitian-led entity in Tigwav. Rebecca earned her MBA at Babson College with an Entrepreneurship concentration and was an inaugural member of the Business and Social Innovation Intensity Track graduates. She also holds a degree in Management from Bentley University.