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Sinclair Skinner

Co-Founder, BitMari

Sinclair Skinner is Co-Founder of BitMari, the largest Pan-African Bitcoin wallet provider that is using blockchain technology to open doors of financial inclusion and economic empowerment. BitMari has been among the most successful bitcoin companies in Africa and is the first to partner with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to lower remittance fees across the Diaspora.

Under his leadership, the company launched the first ever blockchain based accelerator for women farmers in Africa. The accelerator targets Zimbabwean women farmers to use Bitcoin as a digital coupon and connects farmers to direct investment with smart contracts.

Mr. Skinner, is not only dedicated to disrupting traditional methods of banking that leave communities powerless but is laser-focused on disrupting traditional education systems that fail to expose youth to cutting-edge technology in cryptocurrency. In 2017, BitMari kicked off the first-ever Transatlantic bitcoin and blockchain tour to over 20 colleges and universities. Each stop included focus group discussions, fintech hackathons, and tech job recruitment.

Prior to BitMari, for over two decades Mr. Skinner strategically organized and lead movements for those disenfranchised politically. As an early adopter of bitcoin, he formed the African American Super PAC, 1911 United Political Action Committee, and became the first to accept bitcoins for contributions.

With the creation of the first Black Bitcoin Summit launching in DC, Skinner hopes that he can bring national and international voices together across the diaspora to help solve issues permeating through communities of color through the use of technology and blockchain.

His vision is to not just ease the pain of financial dependence and economic uncertainty, but bring an end to that pain by offering more monetary control to the people.

BitMari has expanded to eight other African nations, as well as the U.S., Japan, Canada, Switzerland, the Dominican Republic, and China and global investments support development efforts in the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa.