The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

Victoria Donascimento

Student Outreach Coordinator (Northeast Region), NAAHP

Staff Member, NAAHP Scholarship Committee

Victoria Donascimento is a native of North Andover, Massachusetts. She received a Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from the University of Delaware where she also studied Spanish and Disabilities Studies. Her passion for Haiti and its people developed in college when she joined a group called Students for Haiti and helped raise over $80,000 for the reconstruction of a clinic in Fond des Blancs. Victoria is currently a medical student at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and is interested in a career in Family Medicine.

Victoria spent one year teaching English in Spain and has traveled to Haiti on four separate occasions, spending time in Fond des Blancs as well as Port-Au-Prince and its surrounding areas. Victoria currently leads a nonprofit called Students for Haiti that gets students connected with vetted development projects in Haiti. She hopes to use her diverse leadership experiences with SFH to assist NAAHP as Student Outreach Coordinator.