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William Michel

Evaluation Program Manager, InnovEd Research

Mr. William Michel is an Evaluation Program Manager for InnovEd Research institute, at the University Quisqueya. Mr. Michel is a skilled and well-respected specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation in education.

Mr. Michel has more than fifteen (15) years of experience as a researcher and evaluation programs working for various international institutions such as the American Institute for Research (AIR), the Academy for Educational Development (AED), the Education Development Center (EDC), the Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII), the American Red Cross, Save the Children International, UNESCO, the University of Montreal, and the University of Sherbrook in Canada.

Mr. Michel has been leading many evaluations projects and made several presentations of research results to some international donors such as the World Bank, U.S. France Agency for International Development, USAID, and the Inter-American Development Bank and others keys Stakeholders working in Haiti in education. He has very good experience in qualitative and or quantitative researches, and measurement of effects of education programs. He also has a high-quality experience in Evaluation Management (designing, sampling, methodology, data collection, data analysis, findings, limitations and recommendations). In addition, He have a good understanding of the public sector of higher education research environment, He is professor for Introduction of Psychometric Theories and Intelligence Evaluation at of Haiti state university.  For several, in addition, he has worked on several projects which focused on strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP), on best practices and on innovations in Monitoring and evaluation and the production of reliable data on the education system.

Mr. Michel is a Doctorate candidate Decentralization and Reform at the University of Sherbrooke. He earned a Master Measure and Evaluation at the University of Montreal in 2007. Mr. Michel is also a proud graduated of the University of Haiti State where he earned BS in Psychology in 1998.  Other training included a Certificate in English Language program Training Course from the Humber Institute of Technology & Advance Learning (Toronto); a certificate in Advanced Training Course in Analysis of quantitative Data using SPSS from the University of Massachusetts City and date: Amherst, 1999.

Mr. Michel is involved in several professional associations including but not limited to the Canadian Evaluation Society. He is also member of the Qualitative Research Association and members of Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ASFAS).

Some of his research works and publications included but are not limited to:

  • Michel, W., Dorvillier, F (2018). Étude sur les caractéristiques des institutions privées de formation initiale des enseignants en Haïti, UNESCO
  • Michel, W., Charles, J-M (2017). Évaluation du projet « Vers un changement positif pour les enfants haïtiens » SCI
  • Michel, W ; F, Benjamin ; M, Prou (2017). Règlements, acteurs et fournisseurs de service dans le domaine de formation des enseignants pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l’enseignement primaire et secondaire en Haïti– InnovEd- Université Quisqueya
  • Michel, W (2017). Evaluation Report-Period 1- Advanced pedagogical Studies Institute, InnovEd-UniQ
  • Charles, J-M., Michel, W., Taylor, E (2017). Évaluation de la mise en oeuvre du programme Lumos en Haïti RAPPORT FINAL
  • Michel, W (2016). Review of accelerated curriculum for youth out of schools in Haiti, EDC
  • Leroux, J. L., Boyer, M., Nolla, J. M., William, M., Corriveau, L. et Striganuk, S. (2015). Collaborer en formation à distance en enseignement supérieur : la question de l’évaluation des apprentissages. Colloque de la Communauté pour l’Innovation et la Recherche sur les Technologies en Enseignement/Apprentissage (Cirt@). Université de Sherbrooke, 13 octobre 2015).
  • Michel, W (2012). Cholera project Review of M&E Structure and implementation process, American Red Cross
  • Michel, W (2007). Le nouveau Programme de formation de l’école québécoise et la participation des parents immigrants haïtiens hautement scolarisés au développement des compétences de leurs enfants dans des écoles à Montréal, Université de Montréal : Page 6/6 William Michel, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/8215?locale-attribute=fr