The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

College Planning with NAAHP: Parents Have to Understand the College Process


Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Time: 6:30-8:00 PM EST


While students must do the work of learning and applying to colleges, parents and guardians have an integral, crucial role of guiding the child towards successfully reaching his or her goals. This process is one that needs to start before senior year of high school. A main component is understanding the child’s strengths to assist him or her in finding the academic and career path that fits best. Join us to learn more!

Topic Focus Areas

Parental/guardian role in:
  • High school choice
  • Academics
  • Helping their child find his/her strengths
  • Discussions regarding finances
  • The college application process

Symposium Goals

Attendees will be able to list strategies to assist their children in finding their strengths in order to succeed in high school, the college application experience, and find the school that best fits.


Event Replay
