The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

A Pathway to End the Crisis And Create a Peaceful, Democratic, and Prosperous Haiti

Location: Room 3540

This workshop is for Haitians living in Haiti, and Haitians living abroad who want to roll up their sleeves and create a Haitian-led solution to the current crisis in Haiti. They want a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Haiti, and don’t believe it’s possible. The intention of this workshop is to:

  • Leave participants in the presence of the possibility of a peaceful, democratic and prosperous Haiti
  • Introduce the Manifesto for an Inclusive Dialogue as a pathway toward a peaceful transition to a democratic and prosperous Haitian society
  • Leave each participant empowered with straightforward strategies and a springboard for individual and collective action to transform and rebuild Haiti


