The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

Defining the Road Ahead – Rebuild Haiti through the Reintegration of the Haitian Diaspora at Every Level of the Haitian Society

Location: Room 120

In 2005, the Diaspora built a movement to amend the Haitian Constitution, which had stripped naturalized Haitians and those born overseas of their Haitian citizenship. Article 11, from the new amendment, states: “Any person born of a Haitian father or Haitian mother who are themselves native-born Haitians and have never renounced their nationality, possesses Haitian nationality at the time of birth.”  Yet, the amended Constitution still denies Haitians with multiple citizenships the right to representation in Parliament and to occupy national public offices. Specifically, it does not authorize the exercise of the right to vote in elections, etc.  The panelists will explore how to build a sustainable and inclusive movement, in partnership with Haiti-based private and public institutions, to fully integrate the Haitian Diaspora in the affairs of the country.


