The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

College Planning with NAAHP: Yes, You Can Appeal


Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Time: 6:30-8:00 PM EST


Too often students decide not to attend a school or go into debt to pay for their education due to not being aware of the available appeal process at the school of choice. While the procedures differ at each school, ultimately students can often receive an answer to make payments a little more reasonable. What happens when placed on the waitlist? Can you improve your chance of being accepted to the waitlist school? Join us to find out how.

Topic Focus Areas

  • Basic parts of the financial aid package
  • How to go about appealing the awarded financial aid package
  • What to do if the appeal process is unsuccessful
  • Tips on improving one’s chance to be taken off the waitlist

Symposium Goals

Students and parents will receive information on how to plan an appeal of the awarded financial aid package and some tips on handling being placed on the waitlist.


Event Replay
