The 10th Annual NAAHP Conference is being held November 7-9 in Atlanta  Learn More and Register

Building Alliances, Unity and Collaboration: Haiti, Africa & the Diaspora, Amplifying Voices, Claiming Justice, Empowerment, and Repair

Location: Campus Center Ballroom

The United Nations General Assembly’s (resolution 68/237) proclaimed 2015-2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) citing the need to strengthen national, regional and international cooperation in relation to the full enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights by people of African descent, and their full and equal participation in all aspects of society. The UN proclaimed three themes for the International Decade, that is recognition, justice and development.” For the 12th Annual International Pan Africanist Fall Welcome Celebration, this Round Table of Boston Pan African Forum focuses on Recognition and Restorative Justice. Our distinguished panelist will address the importance of unity, collaboration, and solidarity of African-descended people all over the world, in the diaspora, and in the motherland.


