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Meet the Haitian-American Candidates on Your Ballots: Day 3


Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020

Time: 6:30-7:30 PM EST

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In spite of the ways that COVID-19 has altered much of our lives, we cannot allow it to impact our civic duty. This year is a big election year, which will allow us to have a significant opportunity to change the course of our government. Haitian-Americans are running for office in different states and at various levels. Join us for a conversation with these candidates as we explore their backgrounds, their motivations for running for office, and what they hope to achieve once elected.

Topic Focus Areas

  • Haitian-American Candidates
  • Local and State Elections
  • Roles of Elected Officials
  • Voter Engagement

Virtual Symposium Goals

This panel seeks to engage Haitian-Americans in elections happening across the United States. This symposium will provide Haitian-American candidates with a platform to share their visions for the seats they wish to hold. Moreover, this will be a learning opportunity for attendees who are curious about local elections and how they can become involved in the process.


Event Replay

“Congrats my Haitian People. So proud of you.” – Patrick L




Disclaimer: This is a non-partisan event- we do not sponsor or endorse any political party. Everyone is invited and welcomed to attend.