AYITIC Goes Global Skill Gap Survey for Companies Interested in Outsourcing Microwork


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Article By: NAAHP

3×3 Design is working with the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Registry (LACNIC) on a social initiative called Ayitic Goes Global. The initiative is focused on impact sourcing for digital jobs with a lens of gender equity in Haiti.

AYITIC Goes Global is an initiative of LACNIC and IDRC that seeks to increase women’s access to employment in Haiti by building digital capacities in the field of Information Technology. The project is being implemented with the support of local partners: ESIH (Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti) and Transversal, together with leading experts in digital learning from the Caribbean Open Institute.

The goal of the project is to create the enabling conditions for young women to find employment in the digital economy in Haiti by addressing skills and infrastructure deficits.

The project will have three components:

  1. Training for Women. Training women to develop their digital skills.
  2. Employability. Securing for employment opportunities for women in the digital economy.
  3. Internet Development. Building capacities among ICT professionals and encouraging local leaders to promote Internet Development.

We are currently conducting a survey to understand the skill needs and gaps for microwork in US, Canadian, and French markets.

If you are interested, please fill out the survey, we would love to hear from you.
Complete the AYITIC Goes Global Survey

To learn more about visit ayitic.net.


National Alliance for the Advancement of Haitian Professionals

NAAHP is focused on connecting a global community of peers with career advancement resources as well as fostering transformative relationships to strengthen Haiti through philanthropy and social entrepreneurship.

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