The NAAHP Working Abstract
The Global Economy moves every day. Participation simply requires a product and a willingness to compete and trade. This is what both successfully developed, emerging, and developing countries have learned and pursued. Developed economies such as Japan and Germany tried electronics and heavy industries in the 60s, 70s and 80s. China, during its emergence, focused its efforts at fostering global factories for the Global Economy. Within Latin America and the Caribbean we see similar patterns. Brazil exports commodities to the Global Economy; Costa Rica: Pineapples and Tourism. Dominican Republic: Tourism (though efforts are now being made to introduce some light industries). Even when exploring the United States on a State-by-State perspective, a familiar trend emerges. California equals Technology and Hollywood. New York equals Wall Street, Fashion, Media and Madison Avenue. This trend continues to reflect itself even at the City-State level. Orlando equals Disney. Boston equals Education and Financial Services. Houston is Oil & Drilling. Delaware equals Capital-Entity Formation. And so on.
The NAAHP Working Group Steering Committee
Hadassah St. Hubert, Ph.D
CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow at dLOC
JP Michel
Chairman and CEO to Santé Nou Health, Inc.
Magdalah Racine-Silva
President, CEO and Co-Founder, DMS International
Serge Renaud, MBA, MSA
President, NAAHP
The NAAHP Working Group Members
Daniel Silva
Partner and Chief Operating Officer, DMS International
Dumas M. Siméus
Former President and COO, Beatrice Foods International
Jean G. Orelien, DrPH, MStat
Founder, SciMetrika LLC
CEO, ScitoVation, LLC
Louis-Henri Mars
Founder and Executive Director, Lakou Lapè
Philome Joseph Raymond Magloire
Former Haiti Ambassador to Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the European Union
Sheri Colas-Gervais
VP of Economic Development and Urban Initiatives, Miami-Dade Beacon Council